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Michael Gilligan

Are there any caffs close to the Brunswick Shopping Centre you think are worth going to for a fry up? The one within the centre is closed due to building work.



There's Valtaro Snack at the northern end of Marchmont St, it's pretty small but should cater for your fry-up needs. I don't think the replacement Panino d'Oro cafe, also in Marchmount St, does fry-ups, but you could check.

There's a couple of caffs in Chalton St. Apparently Bob Crow sometimes eats at one of these - who needs an Egon Ronay recommendation !!! Eversholt St has a couple, Victory Cafe and another one,can't remember the name. Both are cheap - but fairly grim.

If you want a more picturesque cafe location, try the Sorrento Snack Bar in Wolborn Walk(or Place ?), off the Euston Road, near the station. This is the only caff I've seen in London with a Georgian-style bow-front window.

Michael Gilligan

Cheers Patrick. Much appreciated.

Warren Dell

Just found this site and it's great. Can't wait to read the book, it's great that things like this get the recognition they deserve.


The grange cafe at 188 grange road actually belongs to my parents and the guy youname as "George" isnt the real george just a pretender to the throne!!! My dad is the original "george" and before the area was developed into flats and apartments used to run the cafe with a rod of iron - if you were silly enough to ask for anything exotic such as salad you'de get a swift sorry no more salad left!!!! - the great thing in those days was that my dad made EVERYTHING from scratch!! chicken curry, escalope, bolognase etc. The place used to have real character with all sorts of people dining there from south east villians to local politicians from all the antique dealers from the old bermondsey market to the local CID!!! it really was the place to eat then!!! and we're only talking the 1970's / 80's and very early 90's. Its the longest established cafe in Bermondsey having been on the same site now for over 100 years!!!! check out the history on the walls! good to see its still upholding the good name of greasy spoons and as my parents still own the place but have long since retired to Cyprus i will let the REAL George and Rose know that the place is still appreciated!!!!!!!!!

Michael Whiting

Nice Food, Good Prices and friendly service.


This is a very warm and friendly cafe. The food is very good cheap prices and quick. Very nice specials all home made eg curry shepherds pie bolognese roast pork lamb and beef dinners.

Katerina Nikolaou

Hi , I havent had the pleasure of visiting the Cafe yet but hope to real soon.
My Grandfather was born in Bermondsey 1888 in Dockhead. About 19 or 20 years of age he was a proffesional boxer called Jo Jackson, and quite famous among the people from Bermondsey. My mum said there was a black and white photo of him in the family of him in his boxing days, fists raised, and shorts. Is there anyway you might help me find some new's of Joseph or a photo , as i never got to meet him and havent the faintest idea what he looked like,
i just wondered if among your collection there might be such a photo, he also had a brother called Alf Jackson who was also a boxer.
This would mean so much to me as i have been trying for years just to get some information or better still, a photo of him.
Kindest Regards

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