This is a welcome site. You find yourself between Vauxhall and Battersea early in the morning. Somewhere round there. Maybe you're visiting a delivery company depot because they've failed to deliver your package. Maybe you're picking up a new chum from the Dog's Home. Maybe you're lucky enough to be local. Anyway. It's cold and early and, frankly, a bit miserable. And you see this. You're happy. And soon you'll be full.
Because the ebcb is genius. It's huge. You get the sense that some cafes, when confronted with an ebcb order draw in their horns a little. They shave something off the amounts for each individual constituent part. It's going to be a big meal anyway, why not save a shilling here or there on the overall package. If only to fit it on the plate. Not at Bridge The Gap. Full measures on everything and a plate that can cope with anything you might throw at it. You could fit a tomato and some mushrooms on there if you wanted. Look at those chips! You could use them as beach defences. Pile them at the shoreline and no tank would pass. They're tasty, plentiful and practical, what more could you want? And they're not skimping with the rest either. A couple of bacon rashers, like mini steaks. A very fair bean apportionment. (And good beans too) And a nicely contained egg. Not wide, certainly, but thick. It has mass that egg. This is a good, cheering, heartfelt breakfast. Let's have a closer look:
Marvellous. Hurrah for Bridge The Gap.
Lovely, complete condiment set. With a nice little stand/container. Not sure what it's for really, except keeping the condiments close together. But it keeps the condiments close together.
And I like the menu system. Big pictures, up by the counter, lots of set options. Lots of temptation.
I love these kinds of chairs. So simple and practical. And, especially when it's empty like this, ordered and pretty. Must be a lot of anxiety about the colour choice though, once you've chosen you're stuck for a long time. This green is a good choice though, distinctive and bright. This is a great place. Must go again.