I have a tendency to start things and not follow through. A good example is an idea I floated here - the Classic Cafe Preservation Society. A few good people joined in - notably Patrick Turland (not Turnbull as I called him in the book, how embarassing, what a fool I am), but I've been especially slack about it.
The idea that evolved from that was The London Cafe Society - a small group (who all lived in London, pretty much) who intended to publicise and support great cafes, initially with a little leaflet that we'd distribute in relevant places celebrating our choice of the Top Ten London Cafes. Copy was written, photos were taken but we never really managed to follow through on the thing. Mostly because I was full of big talk and then didn't make it happen.
Anyway, the current plan (at least from me and Patrick) is to transform that leaflet idea into a website, at least initially - and since the only way I know how to do that is a blog, it'll probably be a blog. And while I can probably set that up, I simply don't have the time to maintain it and develop it.
So this is partly by way of asking if anyone would like to help with that. Anyone? We'd start with the material we've already gathered and then move on from there.
I guess this is mostly a request for help and for ideas and discussion below.
Thoughts? Comments?