For obscure and silly reasons this blog was once called paincave. And now it seems to be called 'russell davies'. Which is reasonable because it's my name. Though it seems unusual for a blog. And it causes difficulties because 9 times out of 10 I'm not the Russell Davies people are looking for. I'm the wrong Russell Davies.
I'm not the Russell Davies who wrote Queer as Folk and is writing Doctor Who. (He's actually Russell T. Davies.)
I'm not the Russell Davies who presents a show on Radio 2 and used to write for the Sunday Times. Maybe he still does. (Though once, when I was writing jokes for a living, the BBC confused his tax and mine and spooked the inland revenue badly.)
I'm not Dennis Russell Davies (obviously, he has a different name, but Google doesn't work that way) American Conductor and Composer.
I'm not Russell Davies, anaesthetist, who pioneered the recovery room concept at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead.
In fact I'm no kind of Russell Davies at all. All these superior achieving Russell Davies's make me feel a bit rubbish. And there's a ton more out there too. However, I'm the one that's blagged the namespace. Which seems to make me part of a phenomenon.