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'Empowers' is one of those words that you see too often. An especially bad example from AdAge's website :
"Welcome to Adage.com.
For access to our website, please login or register. Registration is free and empowers you with up-to-the-minute breaking news from the most authoritive source covering the Advertising Industry"
December 08, 2004 in stupid | Permalink | Comments (2)
I'm sure Steve's already blogged about this but it's worth saying again. Hurrah for the BBC and their listen again stuff and even more hurrahs for the In Our Time site and the huge wealth of incredible material they're making available for free. Particular favourites are youth, politeness, pi and bohemia.
December 08, 2004 in sites | Permalink | Comments (0)
I know it's geeky but I'm really enjoying the IT Conversations website. There's a lot of very arcane, very technical audio. But there are also some real nuggets in there - like this audio presentation from Joseph Chamie, the UN's head demographer. Firstly, it's just interesting; demography is such powerful stuff, most trend stuff is so wishy-washy while demography feels both inevitable and important. Secondly, he presents it really well. It's a great example of someone making technical stuff really personal and compelling.
December 08, 2004 in sites | Permalink | Comments (0)