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perhaps is was just a number-lovers convention ?

in these days of downgraded stationary cupboards (thanks to the advent of electronical computers) it's quite common for the office obsessive to be redeployed as a floor fire warden.

facility managers hate 'civilian' floor fire wardens and often engineer fire drills for warm sunny days. the wardens sweat and dazzle in their flourescent tabards whilst everyone else nips down the nearest pub and waits for the imaginery fire to go out.

There's definitely a sitcom to be written about the different adventures of a company over a succesion of fire drills. It's got everything - confined situation, lots of different characters forced into opposition, hint of drama.

are you suggesting you could turn a crisis in to a drama ?

i can't believe i just said that. the shame of it.

It's got everything - confined situation, lots of different characters forced into opposition, hint of drama.

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