So I was sitting and thinking yesterday. And reading The Big Moo and I had an idea.
I've always really liked doing training and stuff; poisoning the minds of young planners and bringing them over to the dark side, and I don't really get to do that in my current job. And I get loads of emails on this site from people looking to become planners or junior planners asking questions or for stuff to read, and I try to answer, but I don't really have good answers to that kind of thing.
So, instead I thought and try and launch a free planning correspondence course. Because it'll be interesting.
I'm thinking it'll work like this:
I'll set an assignment once a month. Posted on the first of the month. It'll be some strategic/creative/researchy issue or something. Anyone who wants to can submit a response. It has to be by the 15th of the month. (No more than 1,000 words, a Powerpoint or Word document, no more than 1MB.) I'll post all the responses on here (anonymously if you want to) with comments and thoughts and critique. And everyone else can comment too. Then we start again the next month. It'll give people something to think about, plus some feedback, which is the thing that lots of planners are starved for.
If it goes well and people want to play then I'll ask some industry luminaries who pass along my way to pose a problem and do some critiquing too. People are always happy to help out with this kind of stuff.
That's all it'll be. There'll be no certificate, no guarantees (or even possibilities) of employment, but just some practise, some fun and some helping each other out.
What do you think? Anyone fancy it? I'll post the first problem on Monday/Tuesday.