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Thanks for a very good blog.

Just a small note on your note on salt advertising. In Sweden, a proper snob appeal is actually a correct strategy at the moment. Don't know if Maldon salt is very expensive in UK, but in Sweden a pack is about 3£ and standard salt is 50 pence. And there a numbers of even more expensive salts on the market. This salt mania started by a TV-chef (the Swedish Jamie Oliver, but a bit more downmarket) called Tina the chef. When she introduced sea salt to the Swedes a couple of years ago, it was impossible for months to buy upmarket salt because of the high demand.

This is really interesting. I've often thought that advertising hasn't come very far when I look at old newspapers and film footage. It still seems to be shouting to thousands of people who couldn't care less. Imagine how far communications have come or food preparation. Then again I had the same thought about cars - gears, cogs, and a chimney (exhaust); they just seem so 19th century.

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