Here's the feedback on the assignment from The Design Conspiracy, many thanks to them for doing it much more efficiently, usefully and rigorously than I ever do. Bless them. And consider them for all your high-quality design need. I think all the feedback speaks for itself (included in each Powerpoint file) and here are their summary thoughts:
"First things first, we asked for entries to be in PowerPoint and no longer than 10 slides. Everyone passed that little test. Brilliant.
The brief was made up, but it's the kind of brief we get all the time. That's why we have a name for it. The Accidental Brand.
When we wrote the brief we wrote down 4 overall criteria that all the entries would be judged by:
1. Is it in PowerPoint and 10 slides or less?
2. Have they made the company / brief come alive?
3. Have they chosen a direction? Have they made decisions, or is it still ifs and maybes.
4. Is there an actual brief? Clear, concise instructions on what to do next.
As designers it's really easy to get swayed by nice looking things. Chuck some nice fonts into the mix and we're normally persuaded. We tried to avoid that, but it's worth remembering that how it looks is important. B is a fantastic example of this. If you can't make it look great (you're not a designer after all) then keep it simple. Really simple. Let the content do the talking. Like A and D.
Regarding the Time Out award Organarchie won - if they won 3rd place in 2004 and 2nd in 2005, then surely it's obvious to try and go for 1st in 2006? That's a clear aim. Not everyone mentioned that.
All the usual things Russell says apply here too. Don't over elaborate, don't take 3 slides to make one point. Make points. Pictures are good.
Seeing as we're Visiting Professors we've probably been harsher than Russell. We'll make no apologies for that, we won't bump into you in the canteen.
On that note we've graded the top 3 - 1st place goes to F, 2nd D, 3rd B. Congratulations. We've also added comments to the slides in the normal APSotW way."
"F" was a really great pitch. congrats!!!!
So simple and effective, it just looks effortless! kudos!
Posted by: nateA | May 12, 2006 at 08:27 PM