I knew I wanted to post about this great piece over at Creating Passionate Users but I couldn't work out what I wanted to say. But now I have.
As Kathy makes clear, it makes a lot of sense to be happy. Being happy, optimistic and open is a productive way to be, especially if you want to be around creative people, and you want them to want you around. They like having those kind of people around.
Unfortunately you're a planner and planners always have this need to be seen as clever and intellectual - which often means cynical, sarcastic and detached. There always seems to be this opposition between clever and happy, we always signal that we have brains by making cutting little asides. I know I do. I have to fight it.
But it doesn't work. The people other people want to work with are enthusiasts. They're open. They're happy.
Hurray for happiness.