Inspired by Coudal's Dear Cell Phone User Cards and an incident with a chugger. I decided to make these cards. (Assisted by the noble Ben of The Design Conspiracy who did that designer thing of making the type smaller and moving it off centre a bit and somehow making it look beautiful in a way that ordinary people can't even if we make the type smaller and move it off centre. I'll never understand it.)
Anyway, that's the front up there. And this is the back
There's a pdf here with 8 of them on for you to cut out and distribute, if you wish. And there's what Ben tells me is an InDesign file here.He says you'll be annoyed that it doesn't include any fonts but that it's wrong to distribute fonts so we haven't. Anyway, this means that the font-enabled and designers amongst you can make your own versions if you like. And maybe someone might even make a 'Stop Bothering Me With Your Stop Bothering Me With Your Urban Spam Cards' Card. Which I guess would be perfectly valid.
I was thinking of making a set for myself on some nice card and putting them in a smart Muji card holder. (Not that I'll ever have the guts to distribute them). If anyone would like one too let me know and I'll work out a cost.
Printing them on sticker paper may not be a bad idea. It could be tough to hand a card to that billboard that screams "Goal!" you posted before.
Posted by: Mike Cox | June 19, 2006 at 03:48 PM
My only problem with making them stickers is that then you become part of the problem. Perhaps you'd have to post them to Coke HQ or something.
Posted by: russell | June 19, 2006 at 04:40 PM
This reminds me of something I'd written earlier today in response to the same problem:
"Would it be mean to make fun of the stuff someone sends you to post on your blog that would make it a splog? Really, I'm sure me and thousands of other people with similar blogs appreciate that somebody out there took the time to look for the "Email me" link on our blogs, but no thank you. Surely, there's a market for the kitschy and overpriced wherever you're from. Go out there and conquer it with that same entrepenurial spirit!
Posted by: paper lily | June 20, 2006 at 04:09 AM
I've already got my smart Muji card holder at the ready and we're about to get our business cards reprinted - do you want me to get some of these printed at the same time?
How many?
Posted by: davidcoe... | June 20, 2006 at 12:58 PM
now if someone could figure out one to use over the phone to telesales people, that would be a real gift.
Posted by: daos | September 12, 2006 at 12:02 PM