I wrote about my Nabaztag rabbit a while ago, there's something really appealing about it, it has lots of potential, but it doesn't actually seem to do that much right now. Mine sits on a shelf and announces when the time gets to between 4 and 8 minutes past the hour, roughly. And it occasionally waggles its ears and fails to read out RSS posts.
But one of the things I like about it is it's French and I thought that might lead to a nice quirky take on technology and technology marketing.
So how about this for quirky? These images are from 'Nabaz'mob, an opera for 100 smart rabbits by Antoine Schmitt and Jean-Jacques Birgé'. And you can watch the rather engaging video of the performance here.
Opera. Brilliant. None of your bottom-up web 2.0 nonsense here. Let's go straight for an ancient and elitist art form. Genius. Especially when performed by wabbits.