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I am always not sure if I missed something but I also think that Dr. Bob's message was basically "treat people like people and to understand them, remember that you are also people", and he could have said it in 20 min.

Hi Russel,
Here are other things that struck me as odd: 4. why was Russel Davies not in the General Session ? 5. why were there so many potencially great breakout sessions happening at the same time (ie.: Liron Reznik in Planning for an Experience, R/GA on inspiring the creative hydra and Crispin`s culture vz consumer alltogethernow)? 6. why so little chocolate chip cookies in the cookie tray when it is known that 75% of the world population prefers this kind ? 7. why wouldn`t a planner not pack a jacket to heat-waved Miami Beach ? (yeah yeah - learn by freezing, embrace failure). 8. Why do they keep saying PEOPLE - NOT CONSUMERS ? Do you feel that somehow the planning crowd`s good sense is overly underestimated ? Hmm, mixed feelings about this year`s conference. I will definitely try TED next year. Actually, I just found out no more passes available - only 50 left for the chosen ones: any hints on how to be "blessed" ?

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