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I had similar thoughts when listening in. It reminded me that difficult people are labelled as difficult because they often have a position and are willing to defend it with a passion. And in any creative project, you want that passion and energy to shine through. And, of course, sometimes WE are the ones being difficult.

Thanks... I was thinking about this some more over the weekend. In one of those psychological profiles (Belbin?) I fitted two slots.. either Faciliator or Troublemaker. I kind of recognise that paradox. And I know I can easily slip into either role.

So sometimes instead of being all-facilitator-like, I find myself being provocative and disruptive. So I get the whole "difficult" thing from the inside as it were.

This also reminds me of the group effect... when someone is being "difficult" they are simply taking a job that is left unfilled; in one sense they are speaking for the group even though they appear to be on their own.

I'm always the sulky, eye-rolling, know-it-all type. Who then leaves feeling chastened at the enthusiasm of everyone else.

I hate doing discussions, because the y always seem to bring out the worst in me.

Clearly I need professional help.

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