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sounds good to me. I'll probably be late, as usual...

Would love to attend. I have a lunch in Victoria but that should be finished well before 4pm. As I'll be a newcomer, can you let me know where the breakfast club is? Ta.

Yup, around.

How civilised - i'll try and pop along.

Will try.

I'll try to make it down.

splendid. the breakfast club is on d'arblay street - http://www.thebreakfastclubsoho.com/

I'm in your lunchtime meeting so I'll get to meet you there.

Count me in..

I can actually make this one



Excellent. Sounds like we might have quite a few people.

Plus me.

My MD has just sent around an email saying he's closing the agency at 3pm. I shall pop in!

Yep should be able to make that!

I really enjoyed the afternoon tea sessions and the creatives vs planners discussion. Looking forward to more "real-time interaction in a physic space"!


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