This is our Escort. We bought it off my Dad for £1,500 when we got back from the States. It's a marvelous thing. No fun to drive or look at or anything but it always starts and it must be the one of the most ubiquitous cars in the world. So everyone has parts for it.
We don't use it much. Hardly ever in fact. But we live in Central London and we get a free parking space and we have a tiny flat/apartment so it's actually seizing to be a vehicle and is becoming a storage device. It actually represents a relatively expensive bit of real estate. Much more expensive than the price of the car. At the moment it's got all the camping gear in there and it'll probably stay in there all winter. I'm thinking of chucking a load of summery clothes in there too.
So imagine if it was as big as this. I'm actually giving reasonably serious thought to trading it in for a van. (I've always wanted to own a van.) And if it's only going to be a mobile storage unit we might as well get the most for our money. I could keep my bike in there too and not find it like this when I got back from holiday.
I've thought for a long time that vans are the future of cars. Car companies are too obsessed with ideas of speed and luxury and aren't giving enough consideration to the practical stuff we want to do with them. When we used to do focus groups on cars and ask people what was important to them about a new car they always used to say boot (trunk) capacity. And we'd pershaw and say they don't really mean than, that's just what they feel they have to say, they're really concerned about image and status and speed. But, actually, maybe they weren't. Maybe they just wanted to know how much stuff they could keep in the damn thing.
The continuing consumption of stuff is leading to a huge boom in the self-storage industry. It wouldn't surprise me if that also led to a huge growth in the demand for vans, or a more van-like cars. Not mini-vans. Not big cars for lots of kids. But car-sized things that you can use to keep stuff in, and move it around.
Like this Toyota thingy. Cute isn't it? I could use something like this.
Which only reminds that one of my many huge errors when I worked on Honda was my complete failure to get them to import all the brilliant little van-like things they have in Japan. Thing like the Spike or even concepts like the Acty.
Well, maybe not the Acty. Toyota did hugely well with the Scion in the US and Honda could have beaten them to it. In Europe at least.
And it's not like vans have an entirely uninteresting pedigree or image. There's the Mystery Machine or there's this. Which got we wondering what ever happened to the new VW bus. Which led me to this rather nice concept:
But apparently that's not it. This is it, and while it's been kicking around since 2001 they've decided that Chrysler are going to build it. That'll be good then. Good to see the car industry really firing on all cylinders.