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Nicely put.

That's the best exhibition the Design Museum have had for a long, long time.

Ah... The Morris Minor... I had a Minor van when I was at Art school in Manchester in the early sixties. Drove the shit out of. Used to get 50 people in the back going from pub to pub, even down to St Ives every summer to sell bad art to tourists and get drunk on the beach! Blew up one engine, got a "new - second hand" one for about 30 quid, drove the shit out of it again. It's probably still going!!! They don't make em like that anymore... Course, you look at things differently when you're eighteen!!!

Ok Russell, we get it. You are a car person as opposed to a motorbike person. Hey, there are Cat people and Dog people—there really no right or wrong, just preference.

And you worked in the Armchair on wheels reference again. Splendid!


Seriously, great photos. I really do love this part of your blog. And I agree with you about the Morris Minor. I love it. There are a few cars in the world that put a smile on your face, not one of "product lust" but more like seeing an old, friendly + familiar face.

I imagine a car like this to get many warm smiles...

"...down to St Ives every summer to sell bad art to tourists and get drunk on the beach!"

Waves of nostalgia there George. I was there in my 1955 MM convertable, with a surfboard sticking out the back!! Mine died against a lamp post, hiden in a in a snow drift, on Riegate hill.

Whoa! been a while since i've visited, but this post blew me away.

Thank you many times over for the pictures. Am an unabashed F1/car fan.

Fond memories of the MM as well. But it's still possible to find spares and the odd working condition MM in these parts..

You might want to see this

Been a bit of a revival here for the "amby" in part due to a souped up engine, in part the magic of the Old World Charm. Quite a few yuppies learned how to drive on this, waaay back in the good ole days(!)

What i meant, of course, is that the good times have never been so good.

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