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As a production company as well as an ad agency, putting together short term teams and supporting them is something we do a lot. And interestingly, we have been discussing recently ways to build on this in a not disimilar way to what you're talking about here - how to do the social interaction and support thing in a world of empowered, digitally connected individuals who never actually get to meet other useful people any more (or just people who can bulk bind documents!). Anyway, watch this space. May come to something or may not!

I love the indea of the creative Ronin. Much more interesting than boring old freelance or cliched consultant.

I also suspect that people who didn't understand or appreciate the term Ronin are the sort of people you wouldn't want to spend time with anyway.

Finally, I once worked with a CD who considered himself a creative Ninja. As a Ninja he believed that clients could kill his ideas but they could never kill him.

The airstream thing is similar to (but cooler than) an idea Malcolm White (now of Krow) and I discussed when we worked together at Partners. Our idea was to have an old-fashioned caravan that we would park in clients' car parks for the duration of a new biz pitch. The agency pitch team would work out of the caravan for the duration of the pitch; sleeping there when necessary. We thought this would be
a) a cunning bit of headline-worthy PR
b) a good way of creating a hot-house pitch environment that the client could visit every day, hopefully giving us an advantage in the pitch.
Of course, we never actually got around to acquiring the caravan.

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