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The good old pen and pad is gold. It's incredible how much more stuff you can take away with you. A favourite travel author of mine, a guy called Peter Moore, says it's the secret of his success. When he's on the road and sees/hears something he likes, he just runs around the corner and writes it all down.

Russell, good observations, spot on.

And I suppose, by-the-by, (Or is it; bye-the-bye? Or even; Buy-the buy? Sorry I digress.) The bit about the 'physicality of paper' fits (sort of) with a post a read on a blog earlier about a bloke who suggested setting printers up so that instead of someone sending you an email, and printed page/photo/drawing whatever drops onto your desk.

It made me smile, think and enjoy.

A post well done says I.

Here's the link; http://schulzeandwebb.com/blog/2006/10/06/my-printer-my-social-letterbox/

Schulze and Bloody Webb get everywhere!!! ;-)

Anyway, there is a bit of crazyfutureness going on in printing atm, not just microprinting, but printing *everything* - meat, batteries, rfids, etc...

Bruce Sterling just reported back from the 'intelligent printing' conference:


And I'm sure you've all read it, but Gladwell's written an interesting piece on the importance of paper in a digital age. You can find a pdf of it on his site.

Re: the physicality of paper: well, paper is good technology.

This from an interview with an MIT tech guru I heard a few years back in reference to digital paper and electronic books (like the Sony Reader or Phillips' "iLiad.")

His gist was essentially that you can do all kinds of great things with books — you can jump right to information/data you need, they don't need power, they're interactive, they're easy to use, etc. That was a killer way to blow away the assumption that bound paper is archaic.

Re: embedded assumptions: this is the danger of every tool, isn't it? The tyranny of the tool, in which something that makes a job easier becomes the de rigeur solution or approach to it. It's a reminder to break habits, or else prevent them from forming in the first place. Great post.

Part of our work is to create some kind of "social representations", but we´ve ever stop a minute to think about our own "mentalschemes" and the way they influence our work.

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