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For likemind we have a two others:

1. Nametags: So people can start a conversation with a stranger more easily.
2. Pairs: Organize with someone else so if no one else is there you have someone to talk to. (Just like your book.)

Hey there...

This is interesting... something Glasgow needs to be part of too.

Hmm... the Coffee Merchant in the Merchant City would be an ideal venue.

Thanks for the inspiration


Hi Russel. Came to your coffee morning a few months back. Was thinking about doing one in Düsseldorf (where I am at the moment) but don't think it would work. However, Amsterdam is close and I'm there a lot.
So, readers of this post: anyone fancy a coffee morning in Amsterdam? Say Monday 4th of December?

Hi Russell


Set this up to see if it was useful. It gives a space for online coefee mornings


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