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You get to this page. You know immediately what it is and how it works. The user-initiated expiry time is just genius. For a number of reasons.

There's many many services like this out there: yousendit.com, megaupload, mediafire, dropsend, box.net, and so on and so on. But they're all too complicated and fiddly.

I'm just hoping that this thing isn't too successful for its own good...

You get there - you see a beautifuly simple page. You read it - it seems so clever. You read it again. What's Step 2 again ? Must be simple. You read it again. Nope, not getting that. 'Get a private link to share' - what does it mean ? What's a 'private link' ? Don't know - I can guess, I suppose - maybe THAT'S what I'm supposed to do ! Is it an imperative ? Is it telling me that if I click on the button it will give ME a link that I can share (presumably with my friends - even 'though 'private' suggests it's not to be shared). Hmmm.. maybe it means that I have to get SOMEONE ELSE to link to it - it's THEIR link, linking to MY file ?

Am I missing a page here ?

It is, at the very least, horrendous english. Am I being too 'morning grumpy' ? This is part of a bigger rant that I have brewing but I'll keep it for a more credible moment. Good morning.

My fave is:

Unlimited file size, no time limit and you can share the files with more than one person...

This is excellent and a PERFECT example of Web You.

I've uploaded my vision of the future on it:

Those guys must have read John Maeda's Laws of simplicity. At last an easy way to send a large file.

Very good much better than their competitors. I'll use a lot.

Love it. email attachments will haunt me no more.

Im impressed...so simple. And it works for mac!

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