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so, you're back then?

Macus's Sausage vs Bacon post:


Or Ben's post:


Or Faris's:


The Meat Bracket.

with Ben. The whole Meat Bracket.

Hmmmm ... it's not really a "blog post" per se. It is a "BLOGUMENTARY" video, but it is quite relevant:


and the video was uploaded on Jan 29th, so it fits the time limit.

I don't like the idea of nominating myself, but I'm pretty small so the likelyhood of someone else doing so is slim to none. Therefore I may as well toot my own horn - I was pretty proud of my post on exchange of value in advertising:


I think the post that generates more discussion during last month was Richard's Is blogging killing planning?


And besides, he is one of the best minds around. He deserves to won this. Oh and Russell, I'm glad to see you're back.

Oooh ... Richard's explosive post is a tough one to beat. But I still nominate this one:


Out of fairness, I'm going to nominate myself twice.

Once for my best practice guide on writing a great blog on the internet:

And once again for my predictions for 2007, which were MORE insightful than anything else I read:

I'm also going to take this opportunity to remind everyone to keep the internet, like Britain, tidy. It's a BIG mess at the moment.

Ana - thanks for the nomination. Lauren's post was the inspiration for that one though; so she should get the nod.

Richard's post certainly generated the most discussion.

The meat bracket - top notch, beginning to end. And what's more important than meat?

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