Here's another message from Caroline at Campaign - she'd like your questions again. If you have any please stick them in the comments below.
The next Campaign Yahoo! Big Ideas interview is with Jill McDonald, Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer for McDonald’s in Northern Europe. Jill joined McDonald's from British Airways, where she rose over 16 years from Brand Manager to Head of Global Marketing. In that role she launched the P.J.O'Rourke "Johnny Foreigner" advertising and spearheaded the Rugby World Cup Sponsorship. Caroline Marshall at Campaign would like to hear if you have any questions to put to Jill about her new role at McDonald’s.
How does McDonald's plan to market itself through the future given the ever increasing pressure of:
1. Being a brand that we are taught as a society to avoid
2. The legislation restrictions on junk food advertising which are now looking to effect non broadcast media
Posted by: Tony Wilson | February 19, 2007 at 05:29 PM
Hmm, don't think so. Everyone thought that in the 80s and it remained the same. It wont budge at all in terms of healthier food, better coffee - to think that is quite naive.
Having worked for the global business of McDonald's and being familiar with its internal structure a more realistic question would be:
Considering the age of the board members based in Chicago is the real reason why there will never be any significant change at McDonald's because those who own the business are quite out of touch and collecting a handsome profit?
Any changes made on a European level will be so insignificant that you will never see a change in McDoanld's until the organisation dies, and that isn't likely for quite some time.
Posted by: Tony Wilson | February 20, 2007 at 01:59 PM