When I started thinking about Interesting2007 Dan Hill was one of the first people I asked to speak. He said no, which made me sad, but he has good reasons; he's got a whole lot of life going on and he's one of the four bloggers behind Postopolis, happening in New York right now. Looking at Dan's live blogging it looks brilliant and I love the look of the place, very sweaty and architectural. Plus from the look of it they've all printed off their blogs and stuck them on the wall which is surprisingly effective. As the mysterious 'we' of Influx Insights points out this kind of smallish, loose, enthusiast-generated event looks like a much better way of doing things than the big, top-down conference. And you can just tell there's going to be much more of this kind of thing. I guess it's mostly just the rest of the world learning from reboot, barcamps, open spaces, unconferences etc but they're good lessons to learn.
(picture from City Of Sound, hope that's OK)