It's less than a month to go now and some realities are beginning to dawn on us. Logistical and economic. So here are some things you might want to know.
We're not going to have wifi at the conference. It was going to end up costing almost £2k for the day and didn't seem worth it. I also did a quick twoll last night and not many people seemed bothered. There's a Starbucks round the corner if anyone desperately needs to get online.
I do have to say though, huge thanks to Steve and Roy at Policy Unplugged who put a lot of effort into investigating wifi possibilities, who sorted out all sorts of technical stuff and came with us to talk to the venue about it. Very, very decent of them.
Second, if you want an official Interesting2007 t-shirt you're going to have to send one to Ben and The Design Conspiracy. We were looking into getting some that you can buy (and Howies generously offered some of theirs) but it's going to be too much hassle organising it all. Plus, I like the purity and exclusivity of only doing them the Design Conspiracy way. As of now, they've only had 4 t-shirts sent to them, so they might end up being very exclusive indeed.
Third, people are starting to write about what they're going to talk about, which is getting very intriguing. If you can be arsed, could you tag those things interesting2007? that way we can chop everything into a lovely content soup one day and do something clever with it. (Same if you're taking any pictures)
Fourth, various people have emailed me to ask why they haven't received tickets yet. You won't be getting any physical tickets from us. You should have had an email from eventbrite telling you that. You just need to print out that email and bring it along. If you're really sure you've not had that email (and you've checked twice) let me know and we'll see what's gone wrong.
Finally (for now), we're not going to be providing lunch for everyone. I presume you weren't expecting lunch for £20. We'll have tea and coffee etc, and a little surprise in the afternoon but no big lunch. There's a splendid cafe in Red Lion Square you could go to, there's pubs all around and of course, you could bring your own. We might have a prize for the best flask and hamper set.
I found you through someone who had linked to you, and I said the same to him as I am to you...
I think you should have a look at the b-TWEEN 07 event website.
I think you might find it quite interesting.
Posted by: Alice | May 18, 2007 at 03:04 PM
I work round the corner from the hall - there are loads of really really good lunch spots on Theobalds Road; from Woolies a veggie place to Pret and then on Conduit Street there are loads more. The pub 'The Enterprise' is also well positioned for noursihment!
Posted by: Michaela | June 06, 2007 at 03:25 PM