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Sounds like you are having a lot of fun, Russell. Rock on, mate. Rock on ; )

Oh I bloody love this. Really, really love this.

Yep, this is fantastic, nice work.

Genius, can't wait to see it in action.


Joy. Can I have one?

This sounds awesome Russell. It's a great way to be innovatively hip while incorporating online with offline AND making it an experiential moreso than an image campaign. This is an A+ idea. And sounds like you've recruited the right people to make it A+ work. I hope it goes smoothly. Good luck!

This is lush. (And ties in with what you were saying about the internet fading into the background, too.)

You know what'd be nice, I reckon? Having a stamp machine nearby, or some way of hooking into the Royal Mail online postage-buying thingy. I never have stamps on me when I want them.

This a good project that I like very much indeed.

Yes, brilliant. Gold stars all round.

Sounds like you have several fans of this idea! I don't have much to add to your Magic Postcard Machine, except that, of course. Very nice.

russell, this is rad! and can i suggest that once it's all done, it most definitely needs a bell at the end. kind of like a typewriter ding, that resolutely says 'hi! i'm done!'.

at this happened you said something about everybody joining in to make this. Is that still happening? can anybody come and play?

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