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I remember that 'rough' picture.

LIFT looks great.

I saw you at Widgety Goodness as well! Congratualtions-really impressed!

Merry Xmas

Go and see a Monty Roberts demonstration/lecture - hes the original horse whisperer (actually very big on Intelligent Horsemanship, i.e. understanding and communicating with horses through non-violent methods).

His ethos of encouraging rather than forcing horses to want to be with you and near you has some interesting parallels with today's comms challenges.

He's on tour in the UK in Feb 08 and tickets are only £25 -http://www.kellymarks.co.uk/content.asp?id=4&doc=93 (NB worth becoming an IH member to get better seats and access to the pre-show talk)


Russell, this is the scotch egg co. I was talking about. Look at the range, look at the crazy innovation. His riffing with the scotch egg format! Yay.

My fave was 'The Black Watch' Free range egg wrapped in pork and black pudding. sooo good I ate two .

If you do make it to LIFT, look me up. Likewise, I'll be a ReBoot this year. Really enjoy your blog and your initial London Coffee Morning set the Edinburgh one into motion. Best wishes for Hogmanay!

did anyone suggest ROFLCon @ Harvard in April 2008?

more info here:

check it out!

another one - have you heard about the Toy Hacking workshop?

organised by Tinker.it:


could be good..

thanks Rich, I'm going to that at the weekend. Very excited.

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