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yes please, russell.

i'm always up for an invite.

Can I have an invite please, if there's any left? Currently investigating ways of bringing a "game" dimension to social planning/organisation tasks.

is the game any good russell? i'm intrigued!

Yes please.

I think so much of this stealth fun is just good copywriting.

Historically, geeks haven't been great with language - and neither have visual designers - so we don't expect a great cognitive (?word) experience from our interactions and experience of design. This is changing, as the formal barriers between geek and designer and creative and producer break down.

Playfulness and informality have a lot to do with it too. "Children of flickr" is very well put.

i'll have an invite too please- if there are any left...

Hi Russel, id love an invite if you have any left - i've had the damn firefox extension for a couple of months now and still no way to use it!

I'd adore one, PMOG being just the step up Post-It Notes in library books needed (that step up being: scoring system).

Love to get my hands on an invite, if there is still one going. Thanks Russell!

After years working my way round the Chinese government's own surreal secret player game of internet information hide and seek I'd like to play with the benign version - if there's any more invitations left I'd love one, thank you.

yes please

I'd like an invite, please.


Would love an invite to this please...
A new world to explore!

Hi Russell!

I'd love to have an invite for PMOG, please! It looks pretty cool, I'd like to play ;o)


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