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Looks great - you may want to have a look at www.photojojo.com - they have some interesting ideas about time lapse photography & other experiments.

By the way, what's the music on the background?

oh, but seeing the BLDBLG pictures from his talk reminds me that I was there and sat next to you and Mr. Jones, so there are intersections from what would be my picture-lapse video for the month too, which might be interesting (or it might not).

really nice picture show!


That's completely awesome, and I can only imagine how much better it must be when every picture means something to you. Great stuff - really, really makes me want to start taking pictures again.

That song is by 'Plastic Operator'. I think they are only available on import. But should be in iTunes.

Thank you very much! I tried with my last two years pictures... I can't stop rolling it! It's great!

What's more, you probably saved my friends' next back-from-holiday evening!

Inspired by this I did something similar, not sure if the faster frame rate works, but it's interesting to see how certain images pop out of the sequence:


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