I just updated Dawdlr. I've realised how happy it makes me that there's this lovely little job to do every six months until the end of time. W have a small but perfect selection, nicely stretching time out. Someone writes from before Christmas, hoping they've got a new job by May. And someone writes from Chicago, hoping they're pregnant. There are thoughts about moving long distances, and about lunch. That's what we're doing, more generally. I hope everyone got their wish.
I guess this update represents about minute 5 at the origins of twitter, so if I wanted to accurately replicate a slowed-down twitter experience I could take about 10 years off now. But I'm enjoying the pointlessness too much so we'll be back, regular as clockwork, on November 21st.
I really love this analog version of Twitter. So much more personal. Each card is like a fingerprint in time.
Posted by: Alexia Golez | May 26, 2008 at 02:47 PM