Various people have got in touch with heart-wrenching stories about how they couldn't get hold of Interesting tickets and didn't know when they were on sale etc. To try and be fair to everyone we're going to put 50 more tickets on sale. Same price, same details etc. They will go on sale at 9am (BST) on Monday June 2nd. Details will be here. And that'll be it. That's how you get tickets off me.
Tickets do occasionally pop up here, so keep your eye on it, and if you realise you can't come, or don't want to, please let me know and I can refund you and get your ticket to someone else.
Great post...I notice the Duran Duran reference.
Posted by: Dixon Garett | May 19, 2008 at 06:07 PM
I light my torch and wave it for the new...
Posted by: Carlos A. Vazquez | May 20, 2008 at 03:44 PM
Just saw the boys perform last night in Florida. Great wait...amazing show
Posted by: Dixon Garett | May 21, 2008 at 04:06 AM