Things keep occurring to me that I need to organise for Interesting. Which is ON SATURDAY. Crumbs.
1. I made a wiki so people who can't come can exchange tickets with people who want to come. It's here.
2. You won't be getting any physical tickets. You need to print out the confirmation from eventbrite and bring it along. Before you email me saying you haven't got your confirmation please check all your email addresses including that Hotmail one you've forgotten about.
3. Don't forget. We'll be providing no food. Just tea and instant coffee. And you'll need to bring your own mug for the tea. There are lots of cafes in the area, or bring a picnic. Last year lots of people brought cakes to share, that was nice.
4. As before, doors will open at 9, we will start at 10. I think we'll be done about 5ish.
Hope that all makes sense. As other things I've forgotten occur to me I'll stick them on here and on the @interesting twitter doodah.