I'm at the Four Seasons Bosphorus for the weekend, to do a talk for some planners from a global agency network. It should be impossibly glamorous, and I'm very grateful for the work but, right now, I'd really rather be at home watching Harry Hill with Anne and Arthur. It's the most contemptible whining, this is the path I've chosen, but there it is.
Arthur gave me this finger-puppet turtle to keep me company, which is helping.
The rest of the week's been good. Did some large-sports-related-organisation work, that's getting even more interesting, and they're really nice people. Did a talk in Dublin. That was fun. And actually managed to spend a day at BRIG and we had a proper Newspaper Club meeting (though Phil, who was overhearing described it as 'like panto'.) That's the good stuff. Making proper decisions, ourselves, about our own business, not really knowing what we're doing, but doing it anyway. It's good.
I did 1,250 words for next week's Campaign about political digital campaigning which was hard - actually needed to have some facts in it, which I'm not used to. But, managed to do my regular column on the plane on the way here so I'm a day ahead of myself. I've got to do a Wired column next week so I'm in the worrying about it but not actually writing it phase.
A good week.