That Henry Ford saying "If I'd asked customers what they wanted they'd have said a faster horse" has always bugged me. Someone used it again at dConstrust yesterday to illustrate the importance of your own vision blah blah blah. A good point, important, etc. But as Matt points out - it often goes hand-in-hand with a dismissive attitude to research, thinking/caring about your customers etc. More importantly, it also suggests someone who's not actually looking for ideas. Because even if your customers are 'wrong' about a particular issue they are often a fertile source of new thoughts.
Imagine what horses might be like now if science/industry had devoted as much attention to improving them as we've devoted to the internal combustion engine and industrial production. Horses would be INCREDIBLE. If the Ford company had devoted a little bit of resource to that question back in 19wheneveritwas they'd be very well placed to thrive in a differently-carboned world.