I tried a little experiment last week. Mucking about with text to speech, music and sound.
I made a minute every day of 'news' or 'radio' or somewhere between the two, or outside of the two. I tried to make sure I took no more than 20 minutes doing it.
I wanted to see if roboty/markovy autogenerated speech radio was possible, and listenable. Whether you could set up some parameters and make it so - I think you could. I did it by hand, but I think you could do it with software if you wanted. And it'd work for at least a minute.
And I'd also hoped to explore compression - I get really frustrated by the flabbiness of a lot of factual radio and TV, endless repetition, exposition and shots/sounds of people on mountains - I think we can all work a lot harder than that, and that really dense chunks of media might be a new, interesting, thing. Think Pop Up video or Network 7, but really, really thick with information. I haven't got the time to try that with video so I thought I'd try it with sound. I didn't really though, didn't have enough content or time. Maybe another time.
I think there's something in this. I'm going to try again sometime. It's not quite media invention, maybe it's media tinkering, but it's fun.