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For various reasons I've been thinking more about sleep and sleeplessness of late. A couple of articles hoved into view and I realised these are things I'd like to experiment with - different rhythms to a day and a night. Not these days, obviously, but some days, some day.
March 07, 2013 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Went to Kinetica at the weekend. I've been a few times now. I should enjoy it more. There are always some good things - normally the things that are resolutely mechanical and/or funny.
But I always get this sense of aesthetic dead end. I don't know much about the New Aesethic but I know it ain't at Kinetica.
Maybe it's the gloom.
I'm suspect I'm slightly suspicious of art that requires a dark room before you even start.People try and do wit or humour but it doesn't seem to work, it's always too heavy, leaden. Maybe whimsy plus darkness = goth.
March 05, 2013 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
I'm enjoying Young Avengers from Keiron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie a lot. (I'm especially pleased because I could see lots that was brilliant in Phonogram but felt just exactly the wrong age to really get into it.)
I've been enjoying them even more because they're surrounded by all this networked stuff that I was going to say felt futurey, but doesn't, it feels resolutely present.
So, you can get the comic, and you can read a sort of director's commentary on each issue. (SPOILERS! - as I believe the young people say.) You can listen along to a spotify playlist of things that inspire the mood of Young Avengers. And you can read reflections from the splendid Tom Ewing on each issue.
It's good. It's got that Invisible Book Club feel, networked reading, something. And it's not some clever publishing initiative with an app and a sponsorship deal. It's because the creators live in the present and know how to use the tools.
March 04, 2013 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)