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Today is the 100th day of 2014. I've been noticing hundreds of days since we did this. Then Ben suggested this and I played along and really enjoyed it. And at the beginning of 2014 I wanted to do something for 100 days again. Something more physical.
So I 'invented' netsukemon. Minimum viable sculptures made of sugru and googly eyes.
They're inspired by netsuke (specifically - half-watching a documentary about Edmund de Waal and leafing through his book in a bookshop)
and pokemon (specifically - observing and enjoying Arthur's collecting habit and how much I love this card):
I've been making one a day since the first of January, it's quick and very satisfying. To make them seem more importantly like art I've been putting them in a vitrine but that seems hard to photograph well. Maybe because mine was a cheap vitrine off of Amazon.
I want, somehow, to turn them into collectibles. I keep trying to invent ways to make my own collectibles. Like this experiment with pewter and, again, sugru.
I think layering the 100 days thing on top might help. I'm going to spend the next 100 days working that out.
April 10, 2014 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
And here's the new one!
Video (same as the audio but with a slightly moving picture):
Website (same as the video but with clicky links):
April 08, 2014 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
I forgot to make this audio public - so here it is:
April 06, 2014 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)