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There's a brilliant Swiss idea called Pumipumpe. It's just a set of stickers depicting the kind of stuff people have in their home. The idea is that you stick stickers on your mailbox in the communal hallway of your block of flats, declaring what things in your flat you're willing to share. It's brilliantly simple, solving splendidly with stickers the kind of thing people are always trying to solve with apps.
Stickers are like Minimum Viable Entities. They're just enough to demonstrate that something exists and is real, but they're lightweight and disposable and attachable in all kinds of places.
Tampon Club describes it as making it look proper. Stickers help with that.
February 27, 2015 | Permalink
I tagged this article for my file on 'pockets'. (I have a little obsession.) It made me think - I must have blogged about pockets, I'm always thinking about them.
But all I could find was this Wired column from about 4 years ago, which seems a long, long time ago now.
It doesn't appear to be strictly relevant.
These are some bits.
February 23, 2015 | Permalink
This, from Uncrate, makes me feel old.
And makes me realise how Sony threw it all away.
Or maybe it's inevitable and Apple's they've-had-a-huge-influence-all-the-same-day will come too.
February 19, 2015 | Permalink