I've been reading a lot of opinions about the Apple Watch. How it's just the version 1.0, how it can't do basic things yet, how people should just wait until they get it right, how it's pointless anyway, you can get already get a cheaper time-telling thing and strap it to your wrist.
I think they're right. And it's an approach that's stood me in good stead.
I, for instance, have been thinking about adopting television for a while now, but on looking at the available options I don't think it's ready yet. I've discovered that some of the screens, if the sun's shining on them, are a bit hard to see, many of them require you to wave some sort of 'remote control' at them in order to determine what pictures and sounds come out - no basic AI capabilities at all! - and many of the 'programmes' shown on television aren't of particular interest to me. That's just a content problem, but it's one they should have solved before rolling it out to a mass market.
So thanks, television, but no thanks. I don't think you're ready for prime time.
Cars too, have been touted as a possible transportation innovation I should be adoptifying but I'm not convinced that they've ironed out all the basic bugs. Many cars, for instance, demand a whole separate room attached to your house for overnight storage, most of them require regular feeding with 'fuel' and the manufacturers have clearly not found the right form-factor yet. There are very few cars big enough to accommodate the transportation needs of even a modest business or church-group and a similarly small number can be kept conveniently in a handbag or backpack. WTF!?
Cars, nice idea, but I don't think you're ready for prime time.
I've also seen a lot of people suggesting something called sarcasm as a great way of writing blog posts but I have to say, I'm not sure.