♫ #lastfm artists: Langston Hughes (46), Cornelius Cardew, Peoples Liberation Music & others (42), Corn.. via @tweeklyfm #music
— russell davies (@undermanager) November 29, 2015
The full version of my week's listening reveals these totals:
Langston Hughes (46)
Cornelius Cardew, Peoples Liberation Music & others (42)
Cornelius Cardew (35)
The Langston Hughes Project (33)
Which makes it a very tight finish, but ultimately a win for Langston Hughes. I'm not sure ever really, properly heard the poems. I didn't sit and listen hard. Just had him on in the background. What snagged my ear were the stories in between the poems, the real lives of how they came to be written - lines snipped in half to double the amount he got paid.