I've been nudging Interesting forward. Here is some news.
The Time, The Place
It's still going to be September 15th. The evening of. At the Conway Hall in Central London.
I've been asking a bunch of people to talk, and a bunch more have been volunteering. I'm hugely grateful for everyone who's said yes, and to those who've said maybe. (We should try and resolve that.)
When Interesting works (if Interesting works) I think it's because I take responsibility for inviting people I'd like to hear and then, hopefully, other people will like that too. So that's what I've done again.
Below are people who've said yes (though some of them may need reminding and some are still deciding exactly what they're going to talk about - and for some I've deduced a talk title from the conversations we've been having). I'm also talking to some other people. My worry now is cramming everyone in. We only have an evening.
Abbey Kos - wine tasting - with actual wine
Ade Adewunmi - the importance of watching TV
Alby Reid - polonium poisoning
Alice Bartlett - tampons and (possibly) Tampon Club.
Craig Smith - his Dad's relatives, including the first person to get convicted for football hooliganism using video evidence and an actor who played one of Papa Lazaru's henchmen in League of Gentlemen and an Ewok in Return of the Jedi
Diego Maranan - will talk about getting "people more aware of their bodies through clothing (and will try to convince people why body awareness matters in the first place".
Ella Fitzsimmons - Northern Europeans and gnomes
Helen Castor - (Not sure yet)
Ivor Williams - The ways in which we used to die, and how I hope we’ll die in the future.
Kim Plowright - "try and explain what it feels like to preserve memories and talk about dementia and death on social media, whilst still occasionally making people laugh (and how her Mum would’ve had her guts for garters if she'd realised what she was up to)"
Lauren Brown - (Not sure yet)
Lisa Rajan - the story behind Tara Binns
Lucy Blackwell - the story of my life through calendars
Nat Buckley - "why flyknit is the most revolutionary thing since sliced bread"
Rachel Coldicutt and Sophie Sampson - "the important matter of Getting Dressed"
Rebecca Kemp - lipstick
Rujuta Teredesai - 'agile for social development'
Sharon Dale - 'my stroke story'
Tim Dunn - The Sierra Leone National Railway Museum
Tom Whitwell - (Not sure yet)
Tickets will be £15. That seems like a fair amount. If we sell 80 tickets then we've covered the cost of the hall etc. If we sell more than that then we can start to add things like expenses for speakers, child-care and signing. And if we sell enough we can divide any remaining money amongst the speakers.
On previous occasions tickets have sold out very fast, so I staggered the sales so everyone had a fair chance at them. Don't know if I'll need to do that any more, we shall see. So, I'm going to start with 100 tickets at noon on May 12th and see what happens.
Other things
I'll make a dedicated Interesting page shortly with all the above info on it and a Code of Conduct (probably based on the EMF Camp one) and all the details you'll need about getting to the place.
That's it for now. Hope that all makes sense.
I'll get an eventbrite page up shortly and announce that on here and @interesting