All previous posts about Interesting remain true. It's still on September 15th. That's only two months away. Two months!
There's a list of speakers. And there's an Eventbrite page where you can buy tickets. We've sold about 220 tickets which means we probably have about £1500 to divide among the speakers or to provide extra accessibility features for the event. I'm not quite sure what to do with that yet. That means there are more than 100 tickets left - get them soon, only two months to go. Two months!
As some of you have spotted, the list of speakers is long - and Interesting is an evening this time, not a full day, so it's going to be a packed programme. Some speakers will only have five minutes. But I'm sure we can get everyone in.
If you're a speaker I'll also be emailing you shortly and asking you if you're up for having someone on stage with you (facilitated by Upfront) and I'll be reminding you that there are only two months to go. Two months!
Two months!