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Every now and then I try and find it on YouTube, but there's nothing. I wonder if that's sinister.
(There are currently 333 of you. The number 333 is used to represent Choronzon, a demon used in the mystical system created by Aleister Crowley. "An experimental multimedia project named Choronzon has existed since the late eighties, beginning as two separate and unknown cassette-culture projects, one from the west coast of the United States and the other from the eastern USA. When the internet made each project aware of the other, they fused these into one project." wikipedia)
September 24, 2017 | Permalink
Here's the latest tinyletter. I was supposed to do one two weeks ago but I was on holiday. Not doing one while on holiday feels like the right idea.
A few weeks ago I was interviewed for a BBC radio programme about PowerPoint. I was slightly reluctant to do it. I worried it would be another programme in the genre I think of as "Journalists and academics discover and ridicule things everyone else has been using for years and have thoroughly understood without their assistance". It's not that.*
It does track uncannily close to the shape of the article I wrote about PPT for Wired, but I guess that's fair enough.
In related news Ella has written the definitive and canonical post about Doing Presentations for DoingPresentations.com
PowerPoint created a genuinely new and powerful form of human/media interaction, I like noticing those.
And here's another one. A family broadcasting from their living room, enjoying a glass of wine, watching telly, and doing an extended, immaculate DJ set of some classic Old School Funky House. I love this.
(There are currently 306 of you. The number 306 does not have a page on Wikipedia but you can ask for it to be created. Non-intuitively the Peugeot 306 replaced the 309 but, more sensibly, its place was eventually taken by the 307)
*Obviously, now I think about it, I've probably contributed to the genre quite a lot myself.
September 10, 2017 | Permalink