With Easter and 'everything' I've had a few more stuck at home opportunities to make music than I was expecting and I've ended up making some very long, very dull bits of ambient-y stuff.
The first is an Elite Panic track based on the sounds that the Bulb folks recorded in the Gola rainforest. It was intended to be that sort of yoga-inducing ambient that sometimes gets welded to forests, but the actual nature sounds get quite sinister so I found it taking a slightly more anxiety-making turn. If you've not been having enough stress dreams this is the bedtime track for you.
The other one is something I've been wanting to make for years; a bedtime track that goes beyond ambient to almost entirely inaudible. It's explicitly designed for me to fall asleep to. It has to be just loud enough that I can hear it over the sounds of the street and the flats falling apart. And it has to have enough discernable harmonic content that I can distract myself from my brain. On the other hand it has to be playable at the absolute minimum volume on the single speaker at my side of the bed, so it doesn't disturb Anne. So it's not very subtle. A few, very simple sounds, moving slowly. And, because, it 'quotes' rather extensively from a favourite sleep-inducing piece of copyrighted content I've decided it's not an Elite Panic track, it's by Complicated Air.