Bogdana has written of a coffee morning plan but she's written it on Medium which is like writing on sand so she's asked me to put details here where they are a little more permanent and accessible.
First new coffee morning will be this Friday. The 22nd. At 8am GMT. At this Zoom. UPDATE: Apparently that link doesn't work. Try this one:
Be nice. Be patient. If it doesn't work perfectly we will try and make it better next time. Don't be that guy.
If you don't know what I'm on about...
We started coffee mornings years ago because it seemed there were a lot of planners and strategists out there who were a bit lonely. The only planner in an agency. Or freelancing. Or whathaveyou.
It wasn't complicated. Come and have a coffee and a chat. No networking. Anyone can come, you just have to expect a lot of chat about advertising and brands.
And then we stopped doing it, because lots of other events turned up to fill the void.
Right now, though, it's obvious that the loneliness problem hasn't gone away. And I bet there are loads of people who'd like to see some different faces on their screens. So we're going to try and do it again, virtually.
This might be more complicated. Large groups aren't automatically sorted by chairs and tables, ice isn't easily broken through beverage ordering. But we shall see what we can do.
Bogdana thinks that Zoom can be used cleverly to break people off into smaller rooms if it all gets too chaotic. We might try that. But, basically, we're just going to try it and see what happens.
(We will arrange subsequent events for different times of day so that other people can join in.)
Bogdana will probably have more news
on twitter. If there is more news.