I've been reminded again how really, really hard it is to do effective video on the internet. Obviously anyone can film something on their phone and stick it online, that's incredibly easy. But getting someone to see it is incredibly hard.
And people underestimate how hard it is because they see some stupid, cheap, badly filmed thing succeed and say - look that was cheap and badly filmed and that succeeded. But what they don't see are all the films they didn't see. The millions and millions and millions of them. The interaction of people and algorithm selects badly made things that have some other incredibly rare quality. An accident, a look, a moment, a personality. Stuff that your film probably doesn't have.
If you don't have that or want to significantly increase your chances of succeeding you have to work incredibly hard. For example: Mr Beast has a 6-person team making YouTube thumbnails. And I don't even know what a YouTube thumbnail is.