I first came across Tim Exile at Music Tech Fest about ten years ago. He builds really interesting generative music tools and communities. There was a time where I regularly missed my tube stop playing Endlesss.
He launched a thing called Scapeshift at the end of November and, as soon as I started playing with it, I realised it might be perfect for a little advent project. So, since the 1st, I've been getting up early and wrestling with a bag of Scapeshift musical chaos. In my headphones, in my pyjamas, in the dark, while the family is asleep. It's really quite meditative, a form of Morning Pages.
And it's especially useful because, for running purposes, I've been looking for very long tracks at very specific BPMs and Scapeshift turns out to be a great way of making them. I can sit at my laptop for 15 minutes and create 15 minutes of perfectly functional techno. Nice and slow because all the runfluencers say I need to be training in Zone Two.
And, if you fancy, you can follow along on Bandcamp or Spotify. (You could be my first listener!)