Here's the feedback on Assignment 13. Thanks to everyone who entered.
Good Stuff
This was a much harder task than just throwing out some maple syrup thoughts. This required thought, investigation, some digging, some actual thinking. As such everyone who entered can be proud that they've got the kind of application and effort they'll need to be a good planner. Because I'm convinced that most of what makes people any good is there ability to work hard. So you've all done that. Brilliant.
There were some really interesting entries in here. Some people who'd managed to combine a decent amount of digging for useful data with some imagination and originality in your arguments. That's fantastic. Most of you didn't do both, you either presented me with lots of useful information and no interesting thinking. Or the other way round. That's not great but it's a decent start.
I really liked how global and diverse these entries are. I learned a lot about some different countries and none of you settled for some bland global solution. You all did something that was locally relevant and locally insightful. So, hurrah.
Bad Stuff
There was a load of typos and things in these documents. If English isn't your first language I'm going to forgive you for that and applaud you for communicating in another language. I can't do it. But if English is your first language then you should be ashamed of some of the typos in there. That's bad. And if your English isn't that strong just write less, use bullet points or diagrams, find a simpler way to communicate. It couldn't hurt anyway. But like I say anyone who's doing this in a second language - you have my admiration.
There was a lot of assertion without evidence in here. That's not necessarily a bad thing but if you're going to do that you have to explain what you're doing. If you're offering a personal point of view make that clear, and then make it very personal. Otherwise you should all spend some more time looking for actual facts and information on which to base your argument. This doesn't have to mean some quantitative research (thought that would be good) it just has to mean something out there in the real world; it could be the thoughts of journalists, it could be data from industry websites, it could be quotes from people on the internet, it could be a survey of people in your company. Otherwise you're just making stuff up and you're likely to get shot down in the client meeting. You've got to base your assertions and thinking on something.
On a similar note, though you all seemed to have done quite a lot of work on this it didn't seem that any of you actually went to a store, bought any similar product or tried it out. I didn't get any sense of visceral experience with the category. There's no substitute for trying it yourself. Do that. Take a few pictures, think about your personal experience and you've got a valid basis for a conversation. You should always start there. Not with google.
Caveats etc
Every time I do this I realise what a tricky task it is. I really want to be able to talk to you about what you've done, ask about the thinking behind it, discuss it, because I often get the sense that there's some great thinking hidden behind some awkward presentation. But I can only react to what you send me. And I can only do it with those snippy and perfunctory little comments. And it always seems easier to criticise than praise, and they inevitably get snippier as I get to the final entrants. So once again I apologise if I've been too harsh. But as I've said before, I don't think it's my comments that are the real value, I think you'll learn most by looking at everyone else's entry and seeing what they did that was different, better or worse than you.
Once again, huge thanks to everyone who joined in, you can be proud of yourselves. I've also recorded a discussion about this assignment with two titans of the plannersphere which I will post tomorrow and there'll be another task along shortly. cheers.
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